2022 still under impact of the SATURN-URANUS Square

2 years more

The SATURN-URANUS Square from 14. January 2021 to 27. November 2022 (with interruptions)

(THIS was the HEADLINE of my last post from 20-DEC-2020!... - there was another one in OCT-2021 - but this post from DEC-20 is STILL VALID...) 

so the NEW headline should go like this:

1 year more?

BUT the (graphical) EPHEMERIS is still valid...
HERE you can watch it again:
(to re/read the post from DEC-20-2020 you can click here, new window should open up:

(Done with SOLAR FIRE Software)

And as we all know BY NOW (January 2022) my assumption that this Saturn-Uranus Square could have to do ALSO with COVID-19 turned out to be REAL...

In DEC-2020 a man in the UK called BORIS JOHNSON suddenly repeated like a machine the word !DELTA!
DELTA dis and DELTA dat... but: DELTA...

And from 20-DEC-2020 til spring and into summer 2021 you heard the word DELTA! approximately 10 million times...  

As you can see this pretty much is/was the time on the graphical ephemeris above with the PINKISH/REDDISH background, which is the 03°30' orb I used.

From middle of JULY-21 it became a bit better with DELTA!, but the vaccination against SARS-COV2/Covid-19 was by far not as successful as one might have thought...

And then in NOV-21 we heard the name OMIKRON the first time... and since then about 10 trillion times. 
They said it comes from ZA (South Africa), but later they wrote "it's not sure"... First they mentioned it MIGHT BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS, but now in January 2022 they changed this opinion to "HIGHLY CONTAGIUOS, but not as deadly as DELTA!"...

In NOV/DEC-21 it was said that the BOOSTER will help, but I'm not so sure... not only me.
But many doctors. - Because people can still catch C-19 and get SICK.
(NOW some doctors and especially politicians say: "maybe it will never go away again, maybe we must live with it... maybe dis and maybe dat... AAAAND: maybe we must do a BOOSTA for the next 10 years or so, the same way as some people get a yearly flu-vaccination, although by free will and decision...)

And now look at the graphical ephemeris again:
The SATURN-URANUS Square became a third time exact - 'xactly on X-mas 2021!
AND: with a 3°30' orb (= tolerance in time of impact) it works from appr. 24th NOV-2021 to around beginning of Aquarius/22-JAN-2022... 

So... Dat is dat...

BUT: although the Saturn-Uranus Square will not get exact a fourth time, it will NEEEAAARLY do so, as one can see between 09-AUG to approximately 27-NOV-2022.
It shall be most exact at the end of SEP/early OCT-22 with around a 1 degree orb...


(We will see - and feel - but I'm afraid so... Also I'm afraid that we will get some problems with CHINA and C19 regarding the OLYMPIC GAMES in Beijing, starting on 4th FEB-2022 - but THAT is stuff for a special post...)

Regarding BITCOIN and the SATURN-URANUS square it also worked, as I was assuming and mentioning in my post from DEC-2020...

(Done with TIMING SOLUTION Software)

In the second row below the price chart you can see some RED "TRIANGLES" - they show the SATURN-URANUS Square/s with a 03°30' orb...
It has 3 peaks... (peak/s show/s up, when the aspect between any two planets is EXACT)

That was: 1) 17-FEB-2021 (on 21-FEB there was a new ATH! and the FIRST ATH of the year around 8th of JAN was when the 03°30' Orb started to work...)

2) Then we had 2-3 new ATHs (but not so hefty as from x-mas 2020 to the 8th of January 2021 with a whopping plus of  appr. 105% from 20,000 U$ around DEC/17-2020 to 42,000 in January! Or from 8th Jan to 21 Feb with a whopping plus of 43%...
The one in March/13 and the one in April/14 were only a BIT HIGHER (6% from FEB high to MAR high and app. 4% from MAR to APR...)

3) So the All Time High/s (ATH) were 
* 21-FEB-2021
* 13-MAR-2021 (not much higher than 21-FEB)
* 14-APR-2021 (not much higher than 13-MAR)

And then it all TURNED from middle of April-2021... though there was another HIGH in MAY'21, but it was NOT another ATH...

From 1-10th of May BTC went heftily down, and reached it's LOWEST LOW of the year around SUMMER/22-JUN-2021 - only 7 days! after the SATURN-URANUS Square was the SECOND TIME EXACT!

It took appr. another month until the 03°30' orb FADED and it was THIS time when BITCOIN/BTC started to TURN again! Around 20th of JULY!
It went up exactly 3 months (and 3 weeks) and made a new ATH on 20th OCT-2021, and another one on 10th NOV...

From middle to 20th of NOV-2021 the THIRD SATURN-URANUS Square started to work again... and it went PERMANENTLY DOWN again to the exact Square, which was on X-mas 2021!
With a 03°30'orb it's likely to go DOWN FURTHER, til around 20/24 JAN-2022.

In the graphic you can see also 3 RED ARROWS - these show the exact times of the Squares again. The PINK-REDDISH background/underlying is actually the 03°30' orb (= tolerance of impact)!

You can also see some MAGENTA/PINK ARROWS, right?
These were days when a FAST MOVING PLANET (Mercury, Venus, Mars) or the SUN did aspects to the Saturn-Uranus Square and also showed up with turning points...
Can you see the one in the middle?
THAT was the SUN in early May doing a Square to SATURN and a conjunction to URANUS!
You see the one to the RIGHT SIDE, yep?
THAT was MARS in Square to SATURN on the 10th NOV - and it CRASHED again! (later on 17th MARS was in Opposition to URANUS - it crashed even lower...)

Can you see the BLUE BARS in the first row of the graphic?
THAT is actually JUPITER in PISCES!
It corresponded ALSO with the LOWS of the year so far!
And if we look at JUPITER at the end of the year 2021 (Dec 28/29) it's going down til today as I'm typing this text (19-JAN-2022)...

As you can see JUPITER will stay until END OF APRIL/early May 2022 in Pisces, so if BTC should have bad luck...
(After that it will enter ARIES, but will RETURN to PISCES again later in the year...)

Also: BOTH impacts will RETURN in 2022...
The Saturn-Uranus Square AND Jupiter will be active again - as you can see - between EARLY AUG to EARLY DEC-2022... and JUPITER will return again into Pices in the very same time-span...
Does this mean Bitcoin will go DOWN FOR SURE?

This was more a kinda REview - in a next post we will talk about the FUTURE.

For the year 2022 in GENERAL and a bit for Bitcoin, too.
(Hint: the most harmonious time in 2022 looks to be between early Feb til  appr. 11-May-2022.
2023 should be kinda "transition year" from BAD to GOOD, and the years from - spring - 2024 to spring 2029 LOOK AS GOOD AS THE NINETIES!
With a possible temporary "downer" in 2028)

I also hope I can write a post about CHINA and the OLYMPICS, because it looks not really rosy - especially about 10 days before the opening on 4th FEB of 2022.

Also on my TO DO LIST: Queen ELIZABETH II...

Best, Tibor - your 'astro-god' from Switzerland.

(c. 2022) Tibor Tausz/Basel-Switzerland
