When MARS meets SATURN (Queen Elizabeth II & the UK)


When MARS meets SATURN

According to various media reports from (via) England, Queen Elizabeth II's health is said to be deteriorating rapidly...

(should open up in a new window)

The Queen of England is since minimum 2 years in a not so good physical condition.
(Lately in February 2022 she cought Covid-19, too...)
And in April 2021 her husband Prince PHILIPP died with nearly 100 years - also not really a JOYFUL EVENT...

Oh - talking about NO JOY: 

We KNOW it's most of the times SATURN (often also NEPTUNE) in lousy aspect (usually the squares/90°, the opposition/180° and often also the conjunction/0°. Also the semi-square/45°, sesqui-square/135° and the quinkunx/150° with the MINOR aspects) to other celestial bodies, when the NO JOY LEVEL is HIGH...

And WHAT can we see regarding Queen Elizabeth's natal chart?

Transiting SATURN will be lousy placed between 06- MAR-2022 till 04-FEB-2023...

This will be a LOONG TIME, and it's usually NOT GOOD for health and mood.

This is especially true since transiting SATURN will come into conjunction of QEII's natal MARS-JUPITER conjunction in her 1. house, which is also by birth opposing her Neptune and squaring her Saturn.

Queen Elizabeth II

The MARS-JUPITER conjunction/0° in her 1. house is surely one of her most dominant aspect - together with her SATURN directly culminating at her birth and in Square/90 to her Mars-Jupiter conjunction. NEPTUNE joins the pack via Opposition/180 to Mars and Jupiter and via Square/90 to her culminating SATURN...   

And latest from now on (writing this post on 15-MAR-2022) transiting SATURN will aspect several times from 9/10-MAR-2022 till early FEB-2023 her MARS-JUPITER-SATURN-MC-NEPTUNE combination...

With this GRAPHICAL EPHEMERIS in the 45° mode, one can see this very well:  

Graphical Ephemeris (45° mode) for QE II for 2022/23
Transiting SATURN lousy positioned to the MARS-JUPITER-SATURN-MC-NEPTUNE aspect combination of Queen Elizabeth is likely to bring ILL HEALTH, SORROWS, LIMITATIONS, BAD MOOD and in general A LACK of JOY and FUN... 

Transiting SATURN in Aquarius will be joined SOON by the SUN (in Aries) and later MARS (conjoining Saturn) in early April 2022, which will INTENSIFY this theme...

So here you can see the NEXT IMPORTANT dates/timeframe regarding any possible health issues of Queen Elizabeth II: 

25-MAR to 10-APR-2022
seems to be the first highlighted timeframe, due to SUN and especially MARS activating SATURN... 

Both usually bring ILL HEALTH, but MARS to SATURN (and opposite: Saturn to Mars) even often brings days of SADNESS, GRIEF and also often LOSS... 
(it is also OFTEN found in times having to do with DEATH... This can be an actual death - or a sickness which leads sooner or later to death...)

In this timeframe the days between 17-MAR to 10-APR-22 are especially highlighted...

19-MAR-22: tr. SATURN Conj./000° MARS of QE II... (x)
31-MAR-22: tr. SATURN Opp/180° NEPTUNE  (exact)
06-APR-22: tr. SATURN Conj./000° JUPITER (exact) 
(important: the midpoint between MARS and SATURN of Queen Elizabeth is in JUPITER! MARS/SATURN = 07°37' CAPRICORN = 45° JUPITER @ 22°30' AQUARIUS!
This is only a difference of 08' minutes... )

BUT: OFTEN it is usually NOT when a slow moving outer planet is EXACT to any natal position, that an event is going to happen (with exceptions) - it is usually when a FAST moving planet is joining...
And it's also usually the 'male'/active SUN and especially planet MARS (= action!) when an event is going to happen...
They work as TRIGGERS...

So, this gives us a hint that the following days are especially important in march/april 2022:

QE II 2022/23
Inner circle: Natal chart
Middle circle: Sun Arcs
Outer Circle: Transits (for 28-MAR-22)

Check especially the RED BOX (BOTTOM, LEFT SIDE - 45° modulus strips!) and you can see, that not only transiting Saturn (but also Venus and the SUN! Modulus strip on TOP) is activating QE II natal MARS (modulus strip BOTTOM) - but also her SUN ARC DIRECTED MARS (Modulus strip in the MIDDLE)...

This shall be around 28-MAR-22...

Another important day is 07-APR-22 (actually between 5-9-APR):

QE II 2022/23
Inner circle: Natal chart
Middle circle: Sun Arcs
Outer Circle: Transits (for 07-APR-22)

Check especially the RED BOX (BOTTOM, LEFT SIDE - 45° modulus strips!) and you can see, that not only transiting Saturn (but also MARS! - So transiting MARS is in conjunction to transiting SATURN! Modulus strip on TOP) is activating QE II natal MARS (modulus strip BOTTOM) - but also her SUN ARC DIRECTED MARS & NEPTUNE (Modulus strip in the MIDDLE)...

This shall be around 07-APR-22...

I cannot tell if this might predict the death of Queen Elizabeth II, but it will for sure NOT mean BETTER HEALTH...

I repeat the WHOLE TIME between early MAR-22 to early FEB-23 is not looking "healthy" or "funny" - but for MARCH and APRIL 2022 the mentioned dates above shall be especially highlighted...

(updates are likely to follow...)

OH! Nearly forgot:

Between the 3-12-APR-2022 the MARS-SATURN Conjunction/0° in Aquarius in the sky is ALSO in Opposition/180 to SATURN in Leo of the UK Chart (01.01.1801, 00h00m, Westminster), which could mean A SAD EVENT for the UK...


Andy Warhol, Queen Elizabeth II, 1985,
(Royal Collection)

Best, Tibor - your 'astro-god' from Switzerland.

(c. 2022) Tibor Tausz/Basel-Switzerland
