S+P Worldnews - NEWMOON in CAPRICORN (01-JAN-2014)

(= SUN at 10°57' CAPRICORN & MOON at 10°57' CAPRICORN)

Today (01-JAN-2014 at 12.14 CET) we have another NEWMOON - I remember WELL the last one, not some 30 days ago.
How time FLIES!...
And TIME and the course of the PLANETS belong together...
And all has its rythm and belongs to a cycle.

Not least because OF THAT REASON I have an affection for Astrology - because it's PURE NATURE.
(By da way: The word MONTH actually comes from the word MOON - at least it's like that in the german language...)
('Many MOONs have past my dear 'Great Headman BRAVE EAGLE'!...)

(NEW - and FULLMOONS usually are MOST OF THE TIME the most important Times of any month. I therefore watch closely WHICH ASPECTS of other planets are most exact around any moonphase. - Those ones often will show me the MAINTHEME til the next coming moonphase...)

This month (January 2014) we will even see TWO NEWMOON - the first on 01-JAN and the second on 30-JAN-2014...
(The second one will form in the sign of AQUARIUS, though...)

WELL: This January/Capricorn-NEWMOON will be full of SURPRISES!...
Some GOOD ones - and probably a bit more of the BAD ONES.
Anyway: The New Year will start 'extremely bubbling'.

The Newmoon (which actually means that the SUN and the MOON are at the VERY SAME place in the zodiac) is in CONJUNCTION (meaning plus-minus at the same place in the zodiac) with PLUTO (Possibility of Assassinations and Terrorism/Fanatism) and squaring Planet URANUS. (Higher possibility for calamities, accidents, rebellions and riots plus unexpected and rash events)...
MARS ist ALSO aspecting / activating this Newmoon in a stressful way - which doubles up the possibilty for accidents, agggressive behaviour and clashes... (sudden and hefty clashes, unpredictable emergency rules, unexpected attacks, suuden fires or explosions) and planet MERCURY is ALSO involved, what means that on a VERBAL level we might see (read - hear!) hefty outbreaks...
(to accuse someone severely, mobbing, verbal sweeping blow, to 'talk someone to death', putting soemone with words under pressure, to blackmail...).
- Because Mars has often to do with MACHINES and MERCURY with TRAFFIC in general and both are aspecting each other 'stressful' and also especially aspecting 'Calamity'-Planet URANUS stressful, I am afraid that we will have to count with more 'Accidents and Co'...

This current Newmoon will likely be of impact since JAN-10-2014, because the SUN-MARS Square/90° will be active until this date...

I wish us  NONETHELESS a comfortable and successful JANUARY 2014!!! ☺
(What else? N'est-ce pas?) ☺

Following are the horoscopes of the MOONPHASE!
(I calculated 2 Versions of it - once with aspects to the moonphase itself and ONLY - and another one with ALL aspects to all planets...)



The NEWMOON in CAPRICORN of 01-JAN-2014 - ONLY aspects to the Newmoon itself are shown.

One can see that this NEWMOON is in an exact Conjunction with PLUTO - and therefore also squaring/90° URANUS. That would be actually enough to make it very 'explosive' - but Planet MARS is also in an exact Square to the Newoon! And therfore also in Opposition/180° to URANUS...
(Happy explosive New Year!...)

NEWMOON in CAPRICORN (01-JAN-2014) - ALL Aspects to ALL PLANETS shown.
One can see that Planet MERCURY is also 'in the game'...it is actually placed at 13° Capricorn. 
(Therefore we have on 01-JAN-2014 a SUN-MOON (NEWMOON)-MERCURY-MARS-URANUS-PLUTO Connection - and JUPITER is also a bit 'in the game' and will be at the end of the month - at the 2nd Newmoon! - in an EXACT  Opposition/180° to PLUTO...) 


Thanx and have a wonderful time!

Til soon,

Tibor Bugetty - FAC  (Fine Astrosoup Creator)

