* S+P Worldnews: 88th HAPPY BIRTHDAY of the KING OF THAILAND and his Horoscope (He is the LONGEST current reigning Monarch of todays World)
HRM King BHUMIPOL ADULYADEJ of THAILAND became 88 years today
The KIng of Thailand is the current Monarch of the whole Planet with the LONGEST REIGN: 69 years, 179 days! (On DEC-05-2015)
(Queen Elizabeth II. of the UK is the Monarch with the SECOND longest reign)
If you need more proof about this fact check here:
He was born 05-DEC-1927 in Cambridge/MA in the USA around 08.45 AM (08h45m) and is therefore a SAGITTARIUS with CAPRICORN RISING.
- Following are his Horoscopes:
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King BHUMIPOL of Thailand & his wife Queen SIRIKIT of Thailand (some time ago...50ies or early 60ies?) ☺ |
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King BHUMIPOL of THAILAND (LIFE Magazine - 50ies?) |
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HRM King Bhumipol Adulyadej of Thailand (Foto 2010?) |
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HRM the King of Thailand with Queen Sirikit (Foto 2010?) |
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HRM King Bhumipol of Thailand (around 2010?) |
Long live the King of Thailand - hopefully another 10 YEARS!
Cheers and all the best,
Tibor Bugetty/FRAC (Fine Royal Astrosoup Creator)
More about the Life of the King of Thailand:
- Unfortunately the KIng's Health is bad...
And it doesn't look it's becoming better when I check his horoscope; actually the opposite...
Last year around his birthday (05-DEC-2014) it looked very bad - SATURN was 'sitting' on his MARS (and Mercury) at the end of SCORPIO and squaring his NEPTUNE.
He couldn't even perform his usual speeches between 05-10-DEC (10th DEC is THAI NATIONAL DAY) in 2014.
Then the very same aspects repeated itself between in 2015 - from middle of JUNE to middle of SEP-2015...
As I read lately it was middel of SEP-2015 he was aired LIVE in the thai TV.
(The photo was taken around first week of SEP-2015 - to me he doesn't look too bad here?)
- Unfortunately THIS birthday of the king looks to become as bad as the last one, having SATURN in the sky approaching the conjunction to HIS SUN-SATURN conjunction in SAGITTARIUS, which will be exakt between shortly before X-mas 2015 and middle of JAN-2016...
Still I wish my favorite KING OF PLANET EARTH all the BEST!
(Being a SAGITTARIUS as I am I think I can understand him even better... Did you know that NEARLY ALL members of his family were born in FIRE SIGNS?
- His wife the queen/Queen SIRIKIT is a LEO...
- His son - the crown prince - is a LEO, too...
- His first daughter is an ARIES...
- His second daughter is an ARIES, too...
- ONLY his third daughter is NOT born with a 'FIRE-SUN', but is a CANCER.
(King Bhumipol's father though was a CAPRICORN - and King Bhumipol has CAPRICORN rising... - and his mother was a LIBRA. His mother became with 94 yrs very old, and she lived a long time in SWITZERLAND/Area Lausanne. Actually the first child of King Bhumipol and Queen Sirikit - Princess UBOLRATANA - was born in LAUSANNE/SWTZ on APR-05-1951...)
more infos you might find here:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahidol_Adulyadej (father of the the current King of Thailand, Bhumipol)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srinagarindra (mother of KIng Bhumipol)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhumibol_Adulyadej (about King Bhumipol himself and his wife and kids)
- Later in the near future I might go into more details about the health of the LONGEST REIGNING MONARCH of current times.
69 yrs and 179 days TODAY! (05-DEC-2015)
(He is ALSO the LONGEST REIGNING MONARCH in the history of THAILAND / SIAM!...)
(Für mehr Infos empfehle ich meine MONATSPROGNOSEN!):
♦ PROGNOSE ♦ für den DEC-2015 (mit Markt-ANALYSE für Indizes und GOLD):
(German Language - you can let it translate into english or any other language via Google's Translator)
May the stars be with KING BHUMIPOL ADULYADEJ - RAMA IX!
Tibor Bugetty/FAC (Fine ROYAL Astrosoup Creator)
c) 2011-2015
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