* S+P Worldnews: The WORST DAYS for DJ Covfefe TRUMP in AUG-2017 (be happy!)
This post fits very well with this one:
The most important BAD TIMES for DJ TRUMP in JUL/AUG 2017
The most important
in JULY and AUGUST 2017
(BUT: it will not stop end of August!)
It's getting tighter and tighter for DONNIE-BOY!
The Times for Donnie are LOUSY from middle/end of MAY until middle/end of OCT-2017!
This month/AUG-2017 SATURN is now finally in exact CONJUNTION/000°to Donnie's MOON - on 19th! - BUT: With a 01° Orb SATURN is in Conjunction to his MOON the WHOLE TIME between 18-JUL until 29th SEP-2017!!! And with a VERY TIGHT ORB of only 00°15' the timespan will be from 06-AUG to 09-SEP - where it will be VERY HIGHLIGHTED....
(meaning LOW POPULARITY - but of course not with his suicidal morons of 'fans'... - and often SERIOUS TROUBLES, HINDRANCE, BLOCKED ACTION, SADNESS and even sometimes even MOURNING. Often also PROBLEMS/BLOCKAGES WITH WOMEN and with men therefore sometimes SEPARATIONS...)
(meaning LOW POPULARITY - but of course not with his suicidal morons of 'fans'... - and often SERIOUS TROUBLES, HINDRANCE, BLOCKED ACTION, SADNESS and even sometimes even MOURNING. Often also PROBLEMS/BLOCKAGES WITH WOMEN and with men therefore sometimes SEPARATIONS...)
On the GRAPHICAL EPHEMERIS below you can see this marked as 3.
And since Trump has a SUN-MOON Opposition (and he therefore was born under a FULLMOON) and his MOON be exactly conjoined in AUG by SATURN, he'll be 'UNDER FIRE' the WHOLE TIME from 23-JUNE to 25-OCT-2017!
In AUG-2017 it seems to get EVEN WORSE for Trump - the early days look shabby and actually the WHOLE MONTH looks DISTURBING LOUSY for him - but MOST LIKELY the worst DAYS/TIMES will be from 15-31-AUG-2017! (Even until 06-SEP!!)
Here's a nice Graph-Eph:
1) SATURN Opposition/180° his SUN in Gemini (JUL + AUG)
2) MARS Conjuntion his SATURN and VENUS in Cancer (JUL only)
3) SATURN also in Conjunction to his MOON in Sagittarius (JUL + AUG)
4) SUN and then MARS his MARS and ASCENDANT plus MC (AUG)
(His SUN/MOON positions are equal to his MARS/SATURN positions in the 90° Graph-Eph/Dial of the INAUGURATION on 20th-JAN-2017!)
May the stars be with us and especially with the US!
Tibor Bugetty/FAC (Fine Astrosoup Creator)
c) 2011-2017
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