S+P Worldnews - The SICK Goldhaters from the USA & UK did it AGAIN - R E V E N G E !!!!!!!!!!

The SICK Goldhaters from the USA and the UK did it again!
 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! R E V E N G E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
(Das mysteriöse GOLDHASSER-ARSCH hat es wieder getan!...)

Auf der obigen Grafik kann man schön erkennen wie Herr/Frau GOLDARSCH exakt zur Eröffnung wieder mal 'der grosse Goldmanipulator' spielte...) 

The mysterious GOLDHATER-ASS from the USA and/or UK did it again!
But HOW LONG can/will it GO ON like that?

read here more:
Metals, Currency Rigging Is Worse Than Libor, Bafin Says - Bloomberg:
(in english - the following 2 are in german - please let them translate via google's translator...)
Der Goldpreis in BIlder - und ewig grüsst das Murmeltier!
Chinesen kaufen weltweit am meisten Gold - SPIEGEL ONLINE:

Shine ON - you crazy DIAMOND!!!

It's quite likely that Mr. GOLDIE will have its GREAT COMEBACK in 2014...
Especially if the EU f****s up... which could be as soon as APRIL 2014.

Cheese  - Tibor Bugetty/FAC (Fine Astrosoup Creator)

