* S+P Worldnews: Graphical Ephemeris for JUNE-2017 (and yep: TRUMP did it!)

And here we have the belated GRAPHICAL EPHEMERIS
for JUNE-2017

(this post fits together with the FORECAST posted yesterday:
Forecast for JUNE-2017 or 'The Deviant in the W.H.)

On the 45° Graphical Ephemeris one can see clearly that there is a SUN-VENUS-URANUS-NEPTUNE aspect...
(valid from end of May to about 6. of June)
The MARS-SATURN Opposition was valid 'til JUNE-01/02...

Yesterday I shortly posted my forecast on my blog BEFORE 'The TRUMPeltier' in the WH announced that 'the US' (it's actually way more HIM and his 'coal-friends'!) is going to leave the PARIS AGREEMENT - about 1 hour later IT WAS TRUTH...

The REST you can read in my Forecast for JUNE-2017.
(We will hear - and READ - a LOT about the DEVIANT IN THE WHITE HOUSE...)

Donald Trump und das Klimaabkommen: Mit Vollgas in den Crash - SPIEGEL ONLINE: (in german - you can let it translate via google or whatever you prefer)

Donald Trump: "Pittsburgh, nicht Paris" - Bürgermeister wehrt sich gegen Aussage - SPIEGEL ONLINE: (german - let it...)

(Bill PEDUTO is very angry on TANGERINE NIGHTMARE: PIttsburgh voted about 80% for HILLARY and will STAY WITH PARIS AGREEMENT!...)

(Also BLOOMBERG - Ex-Mayor of NY - is NOT AMUSED...)

Donald Trump: Warum seine Klima-Wende die US-Wirtschaft verärgert - SPIEGEL ONLINE: (german...)


May the STARS be with us - but not with Donald Trumpus!!!!!!!!

(c) 2011 - 2017 by Tibor Bugetty/aka Tibor Tausz-Weber.
