S+P Worldnews - NEWMOON in AQUARIUS (30-JAN-2014)
(= SUN at 10°55' AQUARIUS & MOON at 10°55' AQUARIUS)
How time FLIES!...
And TIME and the course of the PLANETS belong together...
And all has its rythm and belongs to a cycle.
Not least because OF THAT REASON I have an affection for Astrology - because it's PURE NATURE.
(By da way: The word MONTH actually comes from the word MOON - at least it's like that in the german language...)
('Many MOONs have past my dear 'Great Headman BRAVE EAGLE'!...)
(NEW - and FULLMOONS usually are MOST OF THE TIME the most important Times of any month. I therefore watch closely WHICH ASPECTS of other planets are most exact around any moonphase. - Those ones often will show me the MAINTHEME til the next coming moonphase...)
This month (January 2014) it had actually 2 NEWMOONS - the first one on 01-JAN and the second one on 30-JAN-2014...
(This second Newmoon though is happening in the sign of AQUARIUS)
WELL: Also THIS January-Newmoon in Aquarius will be 'full of stuff and surprises'!...
The month of January 2014 has started extremely 'unpredictable' and it will also END like that. Or to put in other words: FEBRUARY 2014 should not become a lot better; quite likely even more 'extreme'...
This Newmoon (= SUN + MOON at the very same place in the zodiac) is again positioned in connection to the all-dominating URANUS-PLUTO Square.
(= risk for assassinations and terrorism/fanatism + risk for catastrophes, accidents, rebellions and riots)...
This Newmoon is at around 11° AQUARIUS and is therefore in a Semisextile/30°-Aspect to PLUTO and in a Sextile/60°-Aspect to URANUS - and is therefore activating the URANUS-PLUTO Square.
VENUS - Planet of LOVE - is in a Conjunction to Pluto and therefore also in a Square to Uranus - and she will become DIRECT again on 31-JAN-2014.
(And we all know that a 'stressful placed/aspected' Venus often does NOT mean love, but turns into HATE; especially with PLUTO, MARS and URANUS...)
Most important is by the way is that JUPITER comes with this Newmoon in an exact Opposition/180° to PLUTO (and with retrograde Venus...) and later towards the end of February 2014 is doing a Square/90° with Uranus...
(Jupiter in 'stressful' aspects to PLUTO usually nearly always means POWER-FIGHTS... and Jupiter 'stressful' to URANUS nearly always means REBELLION and FIGHTS for FREEDOM... ) (Ukraine & Thailand...)
Actually MERCURY is als 'in the game' - making a 45°/135° to Uranus and Pluto...
Therfore we can also write: NEWMOON (= SUN & MOON) = MERCURY = VENUS = JUPITER = URANUS = PLUTO...
The Influence of this Newmoon is quite likely to be felt until 12 FEB, since VENUS will be moving SOOO SLOWLY - she's actually 'standing still' for several days - that with an Orb (Tolerance) of 3-4° she will stay in CONJUNCTION with PLUTO (and therefore also in a Square/90° to URANUS)!...
The Fullmoon of 14/15-FEB-2014 on the other hand will NOT be any better!...
Quite contrary...
And around 26-FEB-2014 the JUPITER-URANUS Square/90° will be exact...
Actually it looks like FEBRUARY 2014 will become a kinda 'Twin' of JANUARY 2014 - but you'll read more of that in my soon coming FEBRUARY-2014-Forecast!
(I even can't rule out, that February will become the UGLIER TWIN of the both... - especially when I read the daily WORLD-NEWS)
(This second Newmoon though is happening in the sign of AQUARIUS)
WELL: Also THIS January-Newmoon in Aquarius will be 'full of stuff and surprises'!...
The month of January 2014 has started extremely 'unpredictable' and it will also END like that. Or to put in other words: FEBRUARY 2014 should not become a lot better; quite likely even more 'extreme'...
This Newmoon (= SUN + MOON at the very same place in the zodiac) is again positioned in connection to the all-dominating URANUS-PLUTO Square.
(= risk for assassinations and terrorism/fanatism + risk for catastrophes, accidents, rebellions and riots)...
This Newmoon is at around 11° AQUARIUS and is therefore in a Semisextile/30°-Aspect to PLUTO and in a Sextile/60°-Aspect to URANUS - and is therefore activating the URANUS-PLUTO Square.
VENUS - Planet of LOVE - is in a Conjunction to Pluto and therefore also in a Square to Uranus - and she will become DIRECT again on 31-JAN-2014.
(And we all know that a 'stressful placed/aspected' Venus often does NOT mean love, but turns into HATE; especially with PLUTO, MARS and URANUS...)
Most important is by the way is that JUPITER comes with this Newmoon in an exact Opposition/180° to PLUTO (and with retrograde Venus...) and later towards the end of February 2014 is doing a Square/90° with Uranus...
(Jupiter in 'stressful' aspects to PLUTO usually nearly always means POWER-FIGHTS... and Jupiter 'stressful' to URANUS nearly always means REBELLION and FIGHTS for FREEDOM... ) (Ukraine & Thailand...)
Actually MERCURY is als 'in the game' - making a 45°/135° to Uranus and Pluto...
Therfore we can also write: NEWMOON (= SUN & MOON) = MERCURY = VENUS = JUPITER = URANUS = PLUTO...
The Influence of this Newmoon is quite likely to be felt until 12 FEB, since VENUS will be moving SOOO SLOWLY - she's actually 'standing still' for several days - that with an Orb (Tolerance) of 3-4° she will stay in CONJUNCTION with PLUTO (and therefore also in a Square/90° to URANUS)!...
The Fullmoon of 14/15-FEB-2014 on the other hand will NOT be any better!...
Quite contrary...
And around 26-FEB-2014 the JUPITER-URANUS Square/90° will be exact...
Actually it looks like FEBRUARY 2014 will become a kinda 'Twin' of JANUARY 2014 - but you'll read more of that in my soon coming FEBRUARY-2014-Forecast!
(I even can't rule out, that February will become the UGLIER TWIN of the both... - especially when I read the daily WORLD-NEWS)
I wish us NONETHELESS a comfortable and successful FEBRUARY 2014!!! ☺
(What else? N'est-ce pas?) ☺
(What else? N'est-ce pas?) ☺
Following are the horoscopes of the MOONPHASE!
(I calculated 2 Versions of it - once with aspects to the moonphase itself and ONLY - and another one with ALL aspects to all planets...)
Njoy!(I calculated 2 Versions of it - once with aspects to the moonphase itself and ONLY - and another one with ALL aspects to all planets...)
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The NEWMOON in AQUARIUS of 30-JAN-2014 - ONLY aspects to the Newmoon itself are shown.
One can see that the Newmoon is doing a Semisextile/30°-Aspect to PLUTO and a Sextile/60°-Aspect to URANUS.... |
Thanx and have a wonderful time!
Til soon,
Tibor Bugetty - FAC (Fine Astrosoup Creator)
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