S+P Worldnews - THAILAND: Bangkok Shutdown and how it all might end...
THAILAND-2014: The 'BANGKOK SHUTDOWN' and how it all might end
(Part 1)
(Part 1)
There will be on MONDAY/13-JAN-2014 a DEMONSTRATION (as far as I am informed ONLY IN THE CAPITOL BANGKOK!) called 'Bangkok Shutdown' initiated and arranged by Ex-Politician (Democratic Party) Suthep Thaugsuban and the
People's Democratic Reform Committee (PRDC).
(IMPORTANT: This man is NOT a 'rebellious Nuts' - he has many years of THAI political experience and knowledge. Here more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suthep_Thaugsuban)
Now of course al lot of people are afraid WHAT will happen from monday/13-JAN-2014 on and how it might/will end...
One can read HEADLINES like the following:
Tourism takes a hit in Thailand:
Protests hurting Thai economy:
Gunmen kill 1 protester, injure 3 in Thailand anti-government protest - CNN.com:
At least six injured in two shooting incidents near Democracy Monument rally site - The Nation: (happened today!)
for more up-to-date infos check the 2 big ENGLISH speaking newspapers of Thailand:
Touristiker bangen um Geld und Ruf - SPIEGEL ONLINE: (in german - let it translate via google's little helper on the right side of the blog...)
Proteste in Thailand: Schüsse auf Demonstranten in Bangkok - SPIEGEL ONLINE:
(also in german)
I finally have now found the EXACT time of modern Thailand - it's 'around 05 am in Bangkok'...
Nicolas Campion wrote in his book: 'this is the horoscope used by most Thai astrologers.' (the coup took place 'very early' in the morning...)
I have done some of my own investigations via IMPORTANT EVENTS of modern thai history (such as when the KING of Thailand - Bhumipol Adulyadej - had to take over the REIGN, because his brother - who should have become actually the next king! - was found DEAD in the early morning hours on 09-JUN-1947 with a wound of a PISTOL CARTRIDGE in his head...) and I am quite sure that the EXACT TIME of the START OF THE COUP was even a bit EARLIER - likely between 04h52m - 04h54m...
(More about this in a future post!)
Now, HOW do the planets stand on MONDAY/13-JAN-2014 in the heavens and especially how do they stand to the HOROSCOPE of Thailand? (24-JUN-1932 at 04h52m/04.52AM for Bangkok)
SHORT and PRECISE?: unfortunately rather dangerously & unpredictable!
The SUN (and VENUS) are both going to activate the URANUS-PLUTO Square of Thailand (yes, Thailand was born under a Uranus-Pluto Square - what we have ALSO now...) via a Square/90° to URANUS und via an Opposition/180° to PLUTO.
This gives us a hint that a lot of UNREST and UNPREDICTABLE EVENTS and INCIDENTS will be likely, as also OUTBURSTS OF POWER, PRESSURE and EXTORTIVE TACTICS...
To make things even more complicated the URANUS-PLUTO Square in the heaven will also stay 'stressful' to the Planet VENUS of THAILAND...
(and this Venus stays in a wide Conjunction to the SUN and MERCURY of Thailand...)
Since Planet MARS will be from 22-JAN-2014 to minimum 04-FEB-2014 also in a 'stressful' aspect to the URANUS-PLUTO Square of the country, I think the whole phase will be from 13-JAN-2014 to 04-FEB-2014 - not forget to mention that between 22-JAN-2014 to 04-FEB-2014 the situation is likely to become at least a bit DANGEROUS and VIOLENT...
More is to follow - that was kinda Part 1.
Next you'll see the Horoscope of THAILAND from 24-JUN-1932 at 04h52m (04.52-AM) in Bangkok:
(At the end probably HE will have to solve the problem again...)
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The KING of THAILAND Bhumipol Adulyadej (The World's current longest reigning Monarch and the longest reigning King of all the Kings of the whole history of Thailand) |
All the BEST.
Tibor Bugetty - FAC (Fine Astrosoup Creator)
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