S+P Worldnews: The Fall of Vladimir PUTIN has already begun...

The Fall of VLADIMIR PUTIN has already BEGUN!...

The times who are to come look for Vladimir Putin (I often call him 'Vladdy'...) since the End of NOV-2013 rather bad and stressful - his planets will be badly positioned up to the year of 2020!...

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born 07-OCT-1952 at around 09h30m (09.30AM) in St.Petersburg - then called 'Leningrad'.

- Here you can watch his natal chart:

Vladimir PUTIN
  also called the 'Chodorkovsky-Hater' or 'the Uber-Homophobic', or the 'SilvioB-Lover' or the 'Pussy-Riot-Killer' or 'the Man with the Polonium-Syringe' or 'the Green-Peace-Hater' or just plain simple 'the EX-Spion-Heinie' - because he actually WAS exactly THAT in the 80ies in Eastern Germany...)

His latest capers: 

He would like to see CHODORKOVSKY for another 10-50 years behind bars!
More here: (in german)
Russland (= PUTIN) plant neue Verfahren gegen Kremlgegner Chodorkowski - SPIEGEL ONLINE:

Or here: (in german)
Fall Chodorkowski: Bundesregierung verweigert Russland (= PUTIN) Kooperation - SPIEGEL ONLINE:

In my eyes the Vladdy-Guy is as DING-DONG as is his BEST BUDDY Silvio 'Homo' Berlusconi (an italian crook!) - they have both a natal charts with pretty much in common - especially the strong LIBRA-SCORPIO accentuation:
Sind Berlusconi und Putin zwei Weicheier? (in german)

Let's hope that the german President GAUCK will stay to what he announced lately: (in german)
Bundespräsident Gauck boykottiert Olympia in Sotschi - SPIEGEL ONLINE:

WHEN EXACTLY are thes Wintergames going to start in this strange & funny russian Sotchi?
(I am not particularly interested into sports...)
Wait I'm gonna check it out via net... - un momentito por favor:

Ooookay: from 07-23 Februar 2014!

Well-well, THEN the situation will be pretty 'explosive' - for Vladdy P. AND mankind in general...
Around this time the JUPITER-URANUS-PLUTO T-Square will be highly active...
And it will be activated thru VENUS, which will be in Conjunction/0° to PLUTO at at the opening of the games on 07-FEB-2014 - interestingly with the PLANET OF LOVE...
And Mr. Vladdy enacted his 'Anti-Homosexual-Propaganda-Law' End of JUNE 2013 (when the URANUS-PLUTO Square was activeated too - thru the SUN!) - and the olympic wintergames of Sotchi might work out as a kinda 'BOOMERANG'!...

And between 12-18-FEB-2014 the SUN-MERCURY (retrograde) Conjunction/0° will form a 45°/135° to the JUPITER-URANUS-PLUTO T-Square - which is often found with DEMONSTRATIONS...

Let's take a look now at the LOOOOOOOONG FALL of Hobbydictator Vladimir Putin:

RED= The URANUS-PLUTO Square will be from FEB-2014 til the end  of 2020!!! unfavorably positioned to the Sun-Saturn-Neptune-Mercury-Uranus combination of Vladimir PUTIN!
BLACK = Since around 08-DEC-2013 Planet SATURN is also unfavorably positioned to the JUPITER-PLUTO-MIDHEAVEN combination of Vladdy P. - and is gonna do this til the end of OCT-2014!

(After that SATURN will do several Oppositions/180° to his MOON - from JAN-2015 til end of NOV-2015)
Put it short: 7 YEARS! of DIRT, BLOOD n SWEAT!...

EXACTLY to the opening of the wintergames on 07-FEB-2014 SATURN in the sky will form a stressful square/90° to his PLUTO-MIDEHEAVEN Conjunction - while the SUN in the sky is gonna ACTIVATE this between 07-13-FEB-2014...
At the same time MERCURY will become RETROGRADE, what indeed could mean that SOME sportlers could 'go back home' or 'do-a-no-show'!...
This Mecury will also form a a stressful aspect to the MOON (and SATURN and URANUS) of rasPUTIN - which often makes 'unpopular with 'the folks' = moon...

I believe I am allowed to call Vladdy P. a DICTATOR; right?
Michail GORBATSCHEV is doing it also - although a bit more diplomatic than I am doing it ☺ : (the following excerpts are in german - please let them translate by google's translator - or check the net for something like 'what Gorbachev says about putin'....)

Im März 2009 griff Michail Gorbatschow, der frühere Generalsekretär des Zentralkomitees der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion (KPdSU), die ParteiEiniges Russland und ihren Vorsitzenden Wladimir Putin ungewöhnlich scharf an. Putins Partei bestehe laut Gorbatschow aus „Bürokraten und der schlimmsten Version der KPdSU“. Außerdem äußerte er, dass in Russland weder Parlament noch Justiz richtig frei seien.[35]

Am 10. März 2010 begann die russische Opposition eine Kampagne unter dem Titel „Putin muss gehen“. Bis zum 4. Februar 2011 haben um die 75.000 Bürger Russlands den Appell unterzeichnet.

In einem Interview zwischen Gorbatschow und dem Radiosender Echo Moskwy Ende Dezember 2011 kam es erneut zu kritischen Äußerungen über Putin. „Zwei Amtszeiten als Präsident, eine Amtszeit als Regierungschef – das sind im Grunde drei Amtszeiten, das reicht nun wirklich“, sagte Gorbatschow und meinte ferner: „Ich würde Wladimir Wladimirowitsch raten, sofort zu gehen“. Putins Pressesprecher Dmitri Peskow kommentierte Gorbatschows Äußerungen mit den Worten: „Ein ehemaliges Staatsoberhaupt, das seinem Land im Grunde den Zerfall brachte, gibt einem Menschen Ratschläge, der Russland vor einem ähnlichen Schicksal bewahren konnte“.[36] Insbesondere im Internet macht sich aber immer mehr Kritik breit, obwohl die Regierungspartei Putins auch Blogger bezahlt haben soll.[37] Die Jugendorganisation seiner Partei soll ein ganzes „Netzwerk“ an Bloggern finanziert haben.[38] 
(From Wikipedia: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wladimir_Wladimirowitsch_Putin#Kritik)

Okay my dear VLADDY - we wish ya all the best!

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Tibor Bugetty - FAC (Fine Astrosoup Creator)

